Worksheets and Resources2024-03-14T11:42:03-05:00
  • Legacy Letter Template

Legacy Letter Template

What if your words could echo through generations? Use this template to create your very own Legacy Letter.

  • Packing List for Apartment Living

Packing List for Apartment Living

We've created the perfect "rightsized" packing list for retirement community living. If you are downsizing to an apartment - this list of items to bring will be very useful.

  • What to Keep when a Loved One Dies Worksheet

What to Keep when a Loved One Dies Worksheet

Things don’t hold memories, people do.  You simply can’t keep it all.  In this helpful worksheet we give you important questions to ask yourself when determining what to keep and what to let go of.

  • Clutter-Free Gift Ideas

Clutter-Free Gift Ideas

Who among us needs another knick-knack or sweater this holiday season?  Stop accumulating clutter and give something meaningful.  This resource sheet gives you tons of ideas.

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